If you own or operate a renewable electricity generating facility, you’re probably familiar with the peaks and valleys of energy production. Our Net Metering Program can help you manage your electricity and reduce your hydro costs. Here’s what you need to know and how to become a participant.
What is the Net Metering Program?
The Net Metering Program gives you the power to better manage your energy costs. When you’re producing more renewable electricity than you can use, we’ll take your surplus supply. In return, we’ll give you a credit on your bill to help pay for those times when you’re not generating enough power and need to draw from our grid.
You can learn more about net metering on the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) website.
How does the Net Metering Program work?
You’ll receive your monthly hydro bill for the electricity you consume from the grid that month and accumulate credit on your bills in return for the renewable electricity you sent to the grid that same month. If you have credits that exceed your monthly consumption, they will be carried over to future bills for up to 12 months.
What are the eligibility requirements?
Update: Effective July 1, 2022, the Government of Ontario introduced amendments to remove consumer-facing barriers, including up-front costs. The recent changes allow homeowners and small businesses to benefit from third-party arrangements such as leasing, renting, financing and Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) to participate in net metering while not owning or operating the renewable generation facilities.
You can apply for the Net Metering Program if you’re a Toronto Hydro customer and meet the conditions outlined in this section.