Temporary pole attachments
Contact information1
Request details2
Pole listing & documents3
Review and submit4
Before we begin...
Certain attachments are permitted on Toronto Hydro's poles. To help ensure public safety, it's necessary to follow the permitting process. To obtain permission for a pole attachment, please complete this application.
Throughout the application process, the following documents will be required:
- Professional Engineer-stamped drawing of attachment, including dimensions, clearances, weights, specifications, etc.
- Legal agreements signed and returned to Toronto Hydro
If you're submitting a request for more than five poles, you must complete the pole inspection form (XLSX, 29 KB) before beginning your application form. The completed spreadsheet must be attached in Step 3, along with any other supporting documents.
Reference documents
- General Information (PDF, 236 KB)
- Pole Attachment Permit Review Checklist (PDF, 292 KB)
- Permit Checklist (PDF, 128 KB)
- Process Map (PDF, 157 KB)
- Overhead 120V Connection for Unmetered Services (PDF, 158 KB)
- Underground 120V Connection for Unmetered Services (PDF, 157 KB)
- Temporary Decorative Attachments General Information (PDF, 269 KB)
- Temporary Banner and Flower Basket Size and Clearances (PDF, 102 KB)
- Banner Saver Attachment with Spring Loaded Bracket (PDF, 111 KB)
- Temporary Flower Baskets on Ornamental Streetlight Pole (PDF, 80 KB)
- Temporary Seasonal Lighted Decoration Size and Clearance (PDF, 88 KB)
Application processing time
Toronto Hydro requires a minimum of 90 days to process applications.
Poles Attachments and Safety Requirements
Toronto Hydro is committed to customer and employee safety. Attachments to poles are overseen by the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) to help ensure that safety standards are met and maintained. Toronto Hydro equipment is audited annually to verify that all attachments comply with Ontario Regulation 22/04 under the Electricity Act (1998).
Once the application has been accepted by Toronto Hydro, it will be sent to the City of Toronto for final approval and a permit will be issued from Right of Way Management.