You're required to participate in at least one training session per calendar year related to climate action, decarbonization or energy efficiency in order to maintain your membership and place on our Cleantech Services Directory.
Below are three credible organizations that frequently offer workshops, conferences, webinars and courses related to climate action. You may also decide to pursue professional development offered by organizations not listed below.
- Canadian Institute for Energy Training: A training and capacity-building institute focused on energy transition and decarbonization.
- Save on Energy: Delivered by the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), Save on Energy offers a broad range of educational tools, resources and training programs to help businesses and professionals across Ontario build and enhance their competencies in energy efficiency and energy management practices.
- Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI): A non-profit national trade association that offers training and certification programs suited for contractors and their technicians in the Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVACR) industry, building inspectors and building officials, HVAC designers and engineers, and consultants in the HVACR industry.
Together with collaborators, we recently launched Heat Pump Fundamentals — a free training program that's designed to help address the knowledge gap for professionals who play key roles in the electrification and decarbonization of heating systems. Learn more and enrol
Training and professional development reporting schedule
Please fill out the Cleantech Services Network Training and Professional Development Log (PDF, 625 KB) and email it to
Submissions for training and professional development opportunities undertaken in the year prior are required by January 31. For example, training sessions completed within the 2024 year would be due by January 31, 2025. We'll send you a reminder when the reporting deadline is approaching.