Ken Neumann

Headshot of Ken Neumann.

Ken Neumann is a former National Director for the United Steelworkers (USW) (2004–2022). In his various positions in the union, he directed and managed pan-Canadian and global projects and programs dealing with environmental matters, diversity, equity and inclusion, and occupational health and safety issues, as well as labour relations and community outreach.

His 45 years of experience in the USW has enabled him to sit on a number of boards across the country playing a key role in a wide variety of sectors, from telecommunications, railways and mining, to forestry, manufacturing and the university sector.

Mr. Neumann’s background has defined him as a labour activist, but he brings a broad perspective informed and enhanced by his involvement in tri-partite (government, labour and industry) initiatives bringing together partners in the mining and steel sectors to address training and education of the current labour force, the adjustment/transition of laid-off workers and international trade issues.

Mr. Neumann helped found and sits on the Board of the Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences, the first university of its kind committed to reducing the human, social and economic costs of disability, and the Board of the National Institute of Disability Management and Research.

In 2022, Mr. Neumann was honoured with the University of Toronto’s Sefton-Williams Award, recognizing his considerable contributions to the labour movement and Canadian labour relations landscape.

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