Contact us

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To complete tasks online, use the following quick links.

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Call us

You can reach our Customer Care team Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.

In case of outages or emergencies, our team is available 24/7.


Press 1 for outages, wires down and forestry-related emergencies

Press 2 for account balance, payment-related inquiries or to discuss a disconnection

Press 3 for opening or closing your account

Press 4 for electrical connections and projects

Press 5 for information about financial assistance programs or to learn how to protect yourself from fraud

Chat with us online

Have a question about your account? Use our customer chat for any account-related inquiries. This live chat feature is available within your self-serve portal, which means that you have to log in to your online account or register for access.

Representatives are available Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Visit us

Customer Care:
500 Commissioners Street
Toronto, ON

Head office:
14 Carlton Street
Toronto, ON

Email us

Manage your account online

Monitor your daily energy usage, change your address and more through our self-serve portal.

Access your account